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Learn About Our Thorough Siding, Window & Door Installation

Home and business owners throughout Vancouver & the Lower Mainland trust Westech Siding Group for new singing, door, and window installation services. As a local expert, our team is dedicated to ensuring you receive the best service throughout the project. Our highly-trained team of professionals follows a comprehensive installation process so you can feel confident about the quality of our service. With over 18 years of experience in the industry, our team has mastered the installation process and is prepared to handle any unexpected circumstances. Learn more about our installation process, and then contact us today to get started.

Complete Installation for Exceptional Results

Step 1: Old Siding Removal

The first step in our installation process is the removal of the old siding. Our team has the proper equipment and knowledge to handle most any size commercial or residential project. Removing the old siding provides us with a solid and secure base in which to install the new siding.

Step 2: Inspection & Repair

Next, our team will inspect the hardwood under your siding. Water can seep behind broken siding leading to wood rot. If your hardwood has been damaged, our team can identify it and make necessary repairs to ensure the structural integrity of your property.

Step 3: Preparation of Wall for Siding

While the siding is designed to make your home or office look fantastic, the preparation is just as crucial. We'll install new house wrap, flashing, and tape to ensure that water stays out from behind your home's siding, which prevents future damage.

Step 4: Siding Installation and Touch-Up

Once the damage has been repaired and the surface is prepped, we'll begin installing your new siding. We utilize high-quality materials and proper installation methods to ensure your siding is long-lasting.

Step 5: Clean Up

Our work isn't finished when the installation is complete. Our team will take the time to ensure that all leftover materials, packaging, and other debris are removed from your property, so you can enjoy a safe and stunning result.

Trusted Home Siding Installation Experts

We follow our thorough installation process regardless of if we’re installing siding, windows, or doors, so no matter the project you choose, you can feel confident that you’ll love the result. Our knowledgeable and experienced team is always available to answer any questions you may have about our service or process. If you want to update the look of your home, contact our team today to get started.

Schedule Your Pricing and Proposal Now