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Comprehensive Remodeling Design for Your Vancouver Home

At Westech Siding Group in Vancouver, BC, our team has access to cutting-edge design programs that allow you to visualize your new siding, window, or door installation before the project even begins, so you can know exactly what to expect. Our team can assist you if you already have an idea in mind or need some inspiration for your new project. We have a combined 18 years of industry experience, so we have seen and done it all. When you need updates to the exterior of your home, don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule your design proposal.

different colors of siding

Choosing the Right Exterior Design Project

If you’re uncertain about which type of remodeling project is right for your home, our team can help. We offer comprehensive exterior remodeling services for commercial and residential properties throughout the communities we serve. Our contractors can handle any type of exterior project you have in mind.

Choose the Right Exterior Remodeling for Your Property

Siding Replacement

If your property's siding is beginning to warp or fade, it can detract from the overall curb appeal of your home or office. More significant issues such as missing or damaged siding can leave it vulnerable to water damage and pests. Other signs that you may need to replace your home's siding include paint peeling, increased energy costs, and fungus or mold growth.

Door Replacement

Home and business owners choose to update their doors for a variety of reasons. You may want to improve your property's security with a new door. If your door is broken or has moisture damage, it can cause it to stick when attempting to open or close it. You may also want to replace your door if you notice a draft, which can increase your energy costs.

Window Replacement

Updating your windows provides numerous benefits to your home. Knowing the right type and when to upgrade is essential. Leaky or drafty windows are a tell-tale sign your windows need to be replaced. Other signs your windows need to be replaced include condensation between two panes of glass, trouble opening and closing them, and increased energy bills.

Local Professionals for Doors, Windows, and Siding Installs

At Westech Siding Group, our top priority isn’t simply to land a job. Instead, we seek to cultivate relationships with our clients by surpassing their expectations and providing them with the best service. As the area’s most reliable doors, windows, and siding installation contractor, we always aim to ensure you get the right services at the best price. Get started today by speaking with our design experts to discover which service is right for your home or office.

Schedule Your Pricing and Proposal Now